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Layouri Ashly

My name is Layouri Ashly. I am 24-years old. I am from a single home with my mother being a subsistence farmer. I attended my primary education in STS Kumbo and secondary school in GBHS Kumbo. My mother did not have money to pay the tuition fee of all her 5-children. Because of this, she had to forgo the education of her female chidren so that the male children could go to school. It became very difficult on my side as my dreams in future were shattered. I worked in the farm with my mother for 1-year until SHUMAS Cameroon came to our rescue by providing me with school needs as well as paying my tuition fee. My situation became worse by the aggravating socio-political crisis in Cameroon that escalated in September 2017. I was unable to pursue my education in Kumbo because the crisis had led to the closure of schools due to insecurity on the teachers, students, parents and administrators. After staying at home for some months, I was rescued from total dejection and hopeless life again by SHUMAS-Cameroon that gave me a new lease of life. I had to move from Kumbo to Bamenda, to continue my education. They even went as far as giving me accommodation at their rehabilitation home, where I learned how to survive living with other IDP children who have been given accommodation like me. I feel proud and humbled by the assistance I have so far received from SHUMAS-Cameroon, which include: accommodation, feeding, payment of my fees and provision of my other needs as a female, especially my sanitation dignity kits. SHUMAS started sponsoring my education when I was in form two and in the just ended academic year, 2022/2023, I was an Upper sixth science student of GBHS Bamendankwe. I succeeded in the end-of year examination that promoted me to the University of Bamenda where I am studying Modern letters. My educational challenges have been given adequate attention by my host family to whom I give greater appreciation. I am therefore appealing for more assistance in the sponsorship during the next academic year considering that the present socio-political crisis has made matters worse for my poor parents. I render special thanks to SHUMAS PARTNERS, staff of SHUMAS, and most especially to the Director and his wife for making me part of the family and for the parental love and care they show towards me. May God grant them long life and good health and more wisdom like that of King Solomon that they may continue to help others as they have helped me.